Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Craving Peanut Butter

Today was a pretty average day. I stayed up too late last night, got a second wind and sorted and cleaned up the junk drawer... till 1 am. Ouch. So Mariel got up before I did, only by about 10 minutes, but I just laid there for that time wishing that she wasn't awake yet and that I had about 2 more hours to sleep. Got up, made breakfast... oatmeal with chunks of fresh cut apple and cinnamon. Added some slight skim milk to our dishes, a small tsp of Brummel & Brown and promised Mariel that if she ate from the edges that it wouldn't be so hot.

We ate our breakfast, and then proceeded to play and clean up a little. Laziness isn't quite the word, but we definitely took our time. By lunch it was time to head to Bend. I tried to comtemplate a way that we could, as a family, incorporate some exercise into the day. Hard to do when it's just near freezing outside and there's ice and snow everywhere. Persuaded Eric to go to Bouncin off the Walls after Costco. We brought Lizzy with us, and had a really good time.
I didn't get quite the workout I hoped for, but none the less the girls wore themselves to near exhaustion. This will make for easy bedtime, which as any parent knows, is always a good thing.

Journey continues today on the food front. I'm craving peanut butter like mad.
For lunch, we went to Bend Brewing Co for lunch and ordered a yummy Fish Tacos. It was grilled mahi-mahi with black beans, rice and lots of fresh veggies. Sour Cream and Ohana Salsa on the side. Thought I was doing good having that. man, I was wrong.
14 points altogether, nearly half my day. Luckily I had a late lunch (2pm) and so I had a cup of coffee tonight and then later had a WW Dessert. I'm still hungry, have 4 points left, but I don't really think I'm THAT hungry to go and eat something now. Besides, it's 10:30pm and to break tradition, will go to bed BEFORE midnight tonight.

Anyway, as I stated in Day 1. This is a journal. Facing my food challenges...
discussing my day, my feelings. Looked in the mirror today, again, and still keep hoping to see some major change. I highlighted my hair, put on some Bare Escentuals tanning lotion and figured at least I can make some changes quickly with SOMETHING on my body. Eric thinks it looks good.. I'm skeptical though.

Goals for tomorrow. Wake up no later than 8:00. Walk on the treadmill 1/2 hour.
Compile paperwork for foreclosure mitigation and get that faxed!!! Clean up bedroom bath, and if possible... another walk in the afternoon. Tomorrow night is Weigh In night... can't say that I expect much of a change since last week. Wish me luck.

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